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Noah's Ark Cross-section 1/32 Scale

The 1/32 scale model of the cross-section of the ark.  This view shows the interior and the three decks.  The inside and outside was coated with pitch.  A window was set in the ark 18 inches (one cubit) from the top (Gen 6:16).  Notice the size of the ark in comparison to the larger animals such as the hippopotamus.


A view of the three decks and the various caging systems.  The overall capacity of the ark was more than1,500,000 cubic feet. This is the capacity equal to the volume carried by 570 railroad stock cars.  If these stock cars were laid end to end the length of the train would be 5 1/2 miles long.  The interior of the ark could contain 21 college basketball courts on its three decks.  The deck space would be about 101,000 square feet.  The ark could hold about 40,000 sheep sized animals in about 33% of its capacity.  This would leave more than two-thirds of the arks interior for other uses.  Probably far less than this amount of animals was loaded on board the ark. In reality the ark was probably too big!

Many people are under the mistaken impression that the ark would have been overloaded.  This is based on some common misconceptions.  In reality the animals loaded in the ark would have been land living, air breathing animals sorted by kind (not species).  This view of the model and its caging systems shows that the ark contained the animals outlined in the Biblical record (Genesis 6:17-20)

A view of the ark showing the top and middle decks.  The cistern system is shown on the upper deck.  It would gravity feed water to the caging systems and the lower decks. The ancients commonly made piping from bamboo and clay tubing. On the middle deck is shown a self-cleaning, self-watering, and self-feeding caging system.  These type of caging systems would reduce the amount of labor need to care for the animals

Here Noah is shown feeding some of the ark's occupants.  Most biblical scholars estimate between 2,000 to 35,000 animal were on board the ark.    When manpower studies are done of the amount of labor need to care for all the animals it is apparent that 8 people working 60 hours a week could easily have cared for all the animals.  There would have been enough time to observe the Sabbath day rest Genesis 2:1-3. 

As shown in this picture the ark carried a wide representation of the animals that inhabited the earth.  This was necessary because the flood was a global flood.  All air breathing land living animals would have been exterminated.  In reality the ark was a huge ocean going vessel that could easily have done what God required it to do. 

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